Ling Ling is a fictional character created by Brett Yang and Eddy Chen of the YouTube channel TwoSet Violin. Ling Ling can be described as a fictional violin entity of sorts, a perfect prodigy violinist who defies known universal laws by practicing 40 hours a day. Ling Ling's gender is unknown. The concept of Ling Ling acts as a perfect and unreachable standard for all musicians in terms of playing, practice, talent, and the like.
Origin story[]
In the Mother's day video "Different Type of Musician's Mothers" in 2017, Tiger Mum tells her son that he needs to compete harder and not be second place. She says that Ling Ling's mother tell her all the time, when they play Mah Jong, that Ling Ling practices 40 hours a day.
In the following year's video "7 Different Types of Musician's Mothers", in 2018, Tiger Mum tells her son that Ling Ling already won the Menuhin Competition and practices 72 hours a day.
Brett as Ling Ling[]
There are a handful of videos in which Brett plays Ling Ling.
Chinese New Year 2019, "When You Have to Play for Relatives for Chinese New Year", Ling Ling has been winning a number of competitions. He comes out from his room to play for his mother and his uncle Mr. Yang. Mum then tells him to play something that uncle can understand such as "Butterfly Lovers".
Other uses of Ling Ling[]
Within the fandom, the term "Ling Ling" is commonly used to praise someone for their talent or tremendous skill.
For example, the phrase, "Chloe Chua is a Ling Ling" acknowledges and compliments her prodigious talents and abilities. The term is not simply limited to violinists, but also within the entire music/art community.
Ching Ching[]
Ching Ching is a sketchy character in terms of backstory, mainly mentioned only in the Ling Ling Ching Ching Workout video. However, considering their name follows the typical style for relatives of Ling Ling, it seems likely that Ching Ching is a cousin of some sort. Based on the video, it can be determined they are a musician, and one commendable enough that Ling Ling deems them worthy to do a workout with. Ching Ching's gender is not explicitly mentioned, but it seems that most people use the pronoun 'he' when referring to Ching Ching.
Interpretations of Ching Ching seen around the fandom range from something much like Ming Ming, a twin brother of Ling Ling who played the viola, and a simple 'I don't know.'
Ching Ching is also mentioned in Brett and Eddy's 'In My Feelings' Challenge video, which now appears to be deleted. Lyrics, however are still available.
Ming Ming[]
Ming Ming, much like Ching Ching, is difficult to find information on. The video where they are mentioned is supposedly the 'In My Feelings' Challenge video of Brett and Eddy. Sadly, this seems to have been deleted and the information on Ming Ming taken from a post on the subreddit cannot be verified. It does, however, seem to be more or less universal that Ming Ming is a relative of Ling Ling who plays the cello. It is unclear whether they practice 40 hours a day or simply aspire to, but it is clear that they, like all Ling Ling's relatives, is a talented musician.
Ling Ling's Mum[]
Ling Ling's mother has no known backstory aside from often meeting with Tiger Mum to discuss the accomplishments of their children. She sometimes wears the pink towel on her head like Tiger Mum.
- Ling Ling started learning the violin as a fetus.
- They won competitions at the tender age of 3.
- In the episode titled 'TwoSet Violin Becomes Anime', a video is posted on Reddit by a user named u/ccthecatcosmia (-san). In that video, Ling Ling is portrayed as some deity in the sky that then transitions to Hilary Hahn and other TwoSet's regular guests.
-twoset vocabulary, post and comments